Imperial News

Digital innovation is 'key to securing London's future' - Imperial expert

by Deborah Evanson

London must harness the potential of smart technologies to meet the future needs of its citizens, a major new report shows.

Penned by the Smart London Board – which is chaired by Imperial's Vice President (Innovation), Professor David Gann CBE – the report says that London must capitalise on its digital expertise to tackle challenges associated with the city's bourgeoning population - set to exceed 10 million people by 2036.

London's cluster of ideas, talent and capital is unrivalled

– Professor David Gann CBE

Vice President (Innovation)

Enhancing the capital’s digital connectivity and making the most of data would increase transparency, improve public services, and encourage open innovation, it argues.

The Smart London Board, which also includes Professor John Polak from the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Imperial, is made up of leading academics, businesses and entrepreneurs who advise the Mayor on how digital technology can help the capital function better. 

The board published their Smart London Plan in 2013, which presented a vision to transform London into a digital world leader.

Digital solutions

This most recent report tracks progress made since the plan was published, and outlines where what the priorities for the new Mayor of London should be.

These priorities include engaging Londoners through investment in digital skills, enabling growth through resilient digital infrastructure and open data, and working with businesses to break down barriers and scale up innovation.

Making data open and accessible has unleashed a wave of innovation in our city

– Professor Gann

It cites examples of leading Smart Cities research and projects, including The Crossrail innovation programme, Innovate 18, which was supported by a team from Imperial. Aiming to respond to a growing demand for innovation on major construction projects, it is now on the verge of being established as the foundation of a UK industry wide programme.

Imperial’s Centre for Cryptocurrency Research and Engineering, established in November 2015, was also lauded in the report as an example of London’s leading financial technology innovation.

Professor David Gann CBE said: “London is leading the way in digital innovation. Our cluster of ideas, talent and capital is unrivalled. Making data open and accessible has unleashed a wave of innovation in our city, empowering businesses and improving the lives of our citizens.

“But there are challenges ahead. London’s rising population is putting our housing, healthcare, transport, and environment under strain. Standing still is not an option. We must do more to create a new data infrastructure and harness the benefits for all who live, work and visit London.”

“The Smart London Board and the communities it serves stand ready to work with the incoming Mayor on these challenges.”