Imperial News

DoC PhD student and academics win Best Paper Award at ICST 2016 conference

by Christine Simpson

Daniel Liew, Cristian Cadar and Alastair Donaldson win at ICST 2016

DoC PhD student Daniel Liew, and his joint supervisors Cristian Cadar and Alastair Donaldson, have been named as recipients of one of this year's Best Paper Awards at the IEEE International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation (ICST), one of the top venues for publishing research in software testing.

The award is for their paper, Symbooglix: A Symbolic Execution Engine for Boogie Programs, that describes the design and evaluation of a novel symbolic execution tool for analysing programs expressed in the Boogie intermediate language from Microsoft Research. This enables efficient bug-finding for projects that use Boogie as an intermediate representation, including Microsoft's Static Driver Verifier, the SMACK framework, the Dafny verifier, and the GPUVerify project, among several others.

Daniel Liew's PhD studies are supported by EPSRC and ARM via an Industrial CASE studentship.