Get Smart with Shell's LiveWIRE Programme


A green city

Get the Green Light: If both you and your ideas are smart and full of energy, get involved in Shell LiveWIRE.

Do you have a smart business idea that will help meet the needs of our growing population? The LiveWIRE programme could be for you?

With the planet expected to be home to 9 billion people by 2050, how will society manage this growing population? Of course, ensuring sufficient supply of resources will pose considerable challenges.  At the same time it presents a fantastic opportunity for you - the next generation of UK entrepreneurs! 

The Shell LiveWIRE Smarter Future programme aims to support innovative, young entrepreneurs with their smart energy ideas. The award is open to any entrepreneur aged 16-30 who has either been trading for less than a year, or is looking to start trading in the next 6 months, with an idea that addresses the UK's future transport, energy, or natural resource challenges.

What’s on offer?

The programme comprises:

The Young Entrepreneur of the Year title is awarded to one of the twelve Shell LiveWIRE monthly winners every year. The recently crowned 2015 winner was Adaptavate, a start-up manufacturing bio-based building products that lock carbon into the fabric of buildings.

How do I apply?

Visit the Shell LiveWIRE Smarter Future Programme website for more information and to apply online. The Smarter Future awards are on a rolling monthly basis, so applications are welcomed all year round.


Barnaby Mollett

Barnaby Mollett
Careers Service

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