Imperial News, your NTD information portal launches on May 26th 2016

by Mrs Alexandra Grainger

One-stop resource on cross-cutting issues in Neglected Tropical Diseases

InfoNTD is the first one-stop source of information on cross-cutting issues in NTDs. It provides a platform for information sharing between scientists, professionals and others working in the field of cross-cutting issues in NTDs. Info NTD ( is a multi-partner initiative endorsed by the NTD NGDO Network (NNN) and highly welcomed by leading researchers and experts.  

Globally over one billion people are affected by Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTDs). NTDs cause widespread suffering through acute illness and complications, long-term disability, stigma, social exclusion and death. These shared features form a strong rationale for using cross-cutting approaches and interventions in the control and management of NTDs. In addition, risk areas overlap and individuals may be affected by more than one NTD.

InfoNTD aims to be a key resource and platform for the exchange of information on cross-cutting issues. The cross cutting issues covered by InfoNTD include disease mapping, disability prevention, individual treatment and morbidity management, community based rehabilitation, community education, stigma reduction, mental health, gender issues, and WASH. The need for an information and sharing platform has been highlighted in several international NTD meetings in recent years. 

InfoNTD is offered as a service under the umbrella of the NTD NGDO Network (NNN) and is supported by Netherlands Leprosy Relief (NLR), Sightsavers, WaterAid, FairMed, Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine (LSTM), CBM, American Leprosy Missions (ALM), Austrian Leprosy Relief Association (ALRA), The Leprosy Mission International (TLMI). The NTD NGDO Network (NNN) is a major driver in recognizing the impact that NTDs have crossing social, political and economic boundaries that impair the livelihood of the poorest. 

For more information contact:
Anneke Taal
Information Officer InfoNTD