Imperial News

Blue Plaques unveiling

by Caroline Jackson, Meilin Sancho

English Heritage Blue Plaques Unveiling Samuel Beckett and Patrick Blackett

On Wednesday 20th of April two blue plaques were unveilied at 48 Paultons Square, Chelsea. They commemorated two very different figures, Samuel Beckett the aclaimed dramatist and author who lodged at Paulton’s Square in 1934 and Lord Patrick Blackett , physicist and scientific advisor who moved there from Manchester in 1953. Guest speakers on behalf of Samuel Beckett were followed by the scientist and author Graham Farmelo and Astronomer Royal, Sir Arnold Wolfendale who championed Patrick Blackett with knowledgeable and witty speeches. The formal unveiling of the plaques took place in the presence of family, friends and admirers. Professor Sir Peter Knight and Dr Kenny Weir were there to represent the Blackett Laboratory and meet the family. Christopher Cockcroft, the son of Sir John Cockcroft who opened the Blackett Lab in 1960, was also present.