In pictures: Imperial students celebrate at the Summer Ball


big red firework beside Queen's Tower

Last Saturday Imperial was transformed for the annual student ball.

Organised by the Imperial students’ union, the Summer Ball marks the end of the academic year for students at the College. This year’s theme was Las Vegas, and even the Queen’s Tower was suitably decorated:

Queen's Tower with Las Vegas in lighting on the side

During the evening, students tried out the fairground rides:

people in black tie on circular ride

They were treated to performances from the IC Big Band:

brass band playing

And the award-winning Techtonics a cappella group:

men in semi circle singing

In keeping with the Las Vegas theme, students could try their luck with roulette, black jack and poker:

people sit around green topped table with card dealer

roulette wheel

Guests could also take a spin on the dodgems:

two girls in dodgems car

And fireworks over the Queen’s Lawn wowed the crowd:

big red firework next to Queen's Tower


Elizabeth Nixon

Elizabeth Nixon
Communications Division

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