Imperial News

Infection Control Africa Network Conference, Johannesburg 2016

by Rakhee Parmar

Johannesburg will host the 6th International ICAN Conference in September

The Infection Control Africa Network (ICAN) is the largest infection control organisation in Africa and has gone from strength to strength in education, training and extensive networking across Africa with membership in 24 countries.

This year, the NIHR Health Protection Research Unit in HCAI and AMR’s Lead Research Nurse and ARC early career fellow Dr Enrique Castro Sanchez, will be at the conference speaking and leading on implementation of antimicrobial stewardship interventions with nurses.

Other keynote speakers include Professor Dilip Nathwani, OBE and Professor Didier Pittet, member of the HPRU’s advisory board.

The conference will address current topics such as Infection Prevention & Control (IPC) education, mother and child infections, disinfection and sterilization which is a major concern in Africa, environmental cleaning, MERSCoV, tuberculosis and IPC. Drawing on the Ebola experience, the role of the community in containing outbreaks will be discussed.

The ICAN conference will give attendees the opportunity to join a network of young scientists, communicate and interact with IPC global leaders, present your research and learn more about IPC in Africa.

Visit for more information and to register your place.