July 2016 - Shijia and Onur Join Group as UROP Students


Onur Guzel

Two new UG students, Shijia and Onur join the group for 8 week Summer research placements.

Shijia Liu and Onur Guzel join the group for 8 week research placements from June-Aug and Aug-Sept respectively. Both are 2nd year UG students at Imperial College. Shijia is working with Chris Nielson on step-by-step catalytic cycles and Inur is working with James Murray on the scale-up of a 1,2-diketone synthesis.


Professor Alan C Spivey

Professor Alan C Spivey
Department of Chemistry

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Contact details

Tel: +44 (0)20 7594 5841
Email: a.c.spivey@imperial.ac.uk

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