Celebrating promotions for our academic staff in Electrical Engineering


EEE building

We are delighted to announce the promotions of eight members of academic staff in the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering.

Each year a number of academic staff are promoted across College, and each promotion is the result of much hard work and dedication.

The following staff members in the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering have been promoted from 1st September 2016:

To Professor:

Yiannis Demiris (Intelligent Systems and Networks)

Stepan Lucyszyn (Optical and Semiconductor Devices)

Paul Mitcheson (Control and Power)

To Reader:

Deniz Gunduz (Intelligent Systems and Networks)

Timothy Constandinou (Centre for Bio-Inspired Technology, Circuits and Systems)

To Senior Lecturer:

Simos Evangelou (Control and Power)

Tae-Kyun Kim (Intelligent Systems and Networks)

David Thomas (Circuits and Systems)

Congratulations to all those who have been promoted.


Emma Rainbow

Emma Rainbow
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering

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Contact details

Tel: +44 (0)20 7594 6198
Email: e.rainbow@imperial.ac.uk

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