Imperial News

Pathways to Medicine

by Frankie Bolt

Outreach event organised to help inspire students into science.

Professor Zoltan Takats’ research team and members of Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust Microbiology department hosted an event for students interested in pursuing medicine and science as a career.

The students were given talks on how Rapid Evaporative Ionisation Mass Spectrometry (REIMS) technology can be applied to diagnostics for both cancer and microbiology and were able to see how the techniques were performed during a laboratory tour.

Interactive sessions on disease spread and cancer diagnostics provided a fun and unique insight into the importance of clinical diagnostics and technology development.  The event was a great success and the students enjoyed meeting all those involved in the group’s work.  

Dr Zsolt Bodai describing how Mass spectrometry can be used for microbial diagnostics

Dr Zsolt Bodai describing how mass spectrometry can be used for microbial diagnostics

Dr Trent Herdman and Dr Damien Ming hosting an interactive session on disease spread

Dr Trent Herdman and Dr Damien Ming hosting an interactive session on disease spread