Imperial News

CMPH researchers find Europe to be the most sceptical region on vaccine safety.

by Chloe Stockford

CMPH researchers, and their collaborators surveyed almost 66,000 people from 67 countries to explore views on whether vaccines are safe.

The study, published in the journal EBioMedicine, has been covered in over 100 media outlets worldwide:

A Selection of Media Coverage:

‘Europeans are among those most sceptical of vaccine safety’, Financial Times, 14th September 2016

‘Mistrust of vaccines is greatest in France: survey’, Reuters, 8th September, 2016

‘Fear of vaccine safety is higher in Europe than in US’ New Scientist, 9th September 2016

‘New Vaccination Confidence Survey Shows Vaccine Fears Are A Big Issue In Europe Too’, Romper 19th September 2016

 ‘Mistrust of vaccines is greatest in France – survey’ Daily Mail Online, 9th September 2016

‘Mistrust of Vaccines Is Greatest in France’, Scientific American, September 2016

‘France most skeptical country about vaccine safety’, Science, 8th September 2016

 ‘European region most skeptical in the world on vaccine safety’, Science Daily, 8th September 2016

 ‘Think Americans fear vaccines? Check out the French’, Vox, 9th September, 2016
