Summer Schools - The Student Experience


Electronics lab

Gloria, who studied on the Bioengineering stream of the Sutton Trust Summer School starts off our series of participant perspective blogs

Hello everyone, I’m Gloria and I am from Manchester. I would love to tell you all about the Bioengineering Sutton Trust Summer School at Imperial College London.

It was amazing to gain an insight into Bioengineering over the four days.

Don’t worry if at first you’re a little unsure whether you should go because I am sure many of us, including me, were at first. Everybody is extremely caring and friendly and it was lovely to be taught by very enthusiastic, knowledgeable and helpful teachers and current students in a very focused and supportive learning environment. The atmosphere throughout this summer school was very professional and organised superbly.

We were learning how to build a digital stethoscope to detect the beating human heart. It is immensely rewarding, especially when you realise that furthering your learning can improve this device to help people in life.  We had the outstanding opportunity to visit the labs and appreciate the time and effort the researchers put into their exciting projects.

The activities in the evenings made everybody feel very welcome. They were very fun and very purposeful, more than just games and we made lots of friends. We learned a lot of skills including team-work, thinking skills and communication skills too. The mentors and students are very considerate and they are more than happy to tell you about their subjects.

What I loved about this summer school is how it bought together so many fantastic people with a variety of interests - all curious about Bioengineering and how it ties together medicine and engineering to help people in life - together to a very fantastic place with even more fantastic people!

Thank you very much to the Sutton Trust and Imperial College London. I am very grateful for this wonderful once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Now it’s your turn to enjoy this brilliant learning experience, a truly Imperial experience!


Melanie Bottrill

Melanie Bottrill