Imperial News

Summer Schools - The Student Experience

by Melanie Bottrill

In the second of our student perspective blogs, we hear from Fizz who studied on the Biomedical Science stream of the Sutton Trust Summer School

I'm Fizz and I'm from a small town in Shropshire. I attended the biomedical sciences strand Sutton Trust summer school at Imperial College London and I'm hoping to apply to study medicine at university. 

I applied for the Sutton Trust summer school because I knew it would be a good way of experiencing university life and it will help when I apply to university. 

I didn't really know what to expect at the summer school as no one from my school had ever been before so I was just hoping I would have a good time and learn a lot. It took me about five hours by train and the underground to reach Imperial but I didn't really have time to feel nervous as it took all my concentration to make sure I got on the right train and tube. Being in the centre of London is very different to my rural hometown! 

One thing that surprised me about Imperial was the amount of green space as when I think about London and universities in London I think about just lots of tall grey buildings. 

One memory that sticks out from my summer school experience was on the last night when we were all stood outside the Albert Hall laughing and talking and the staff trying to get all 100 of us to look at the same camera and not blinking at the same time!

If you are reading this and wondering whether to apply to a summer school programme I would say Yes definitely! Don't feel nervous about whether you will fit in, or enjoy yourself because you will look back and realise how great an experience it is. And if you have any worries the staff are brilliant and very accommodating to individual needs.