Imperial News

Imperial College Advanced Hackspace hold their 2016 Demo Day

by Thomas Angus [Photographer], Jon Narcross

Imperial's Advanced Hackspace (ICAH) held its annual Demo Day this week, showcasing some of the innovative projects made by its members.

The annual Demo Day is a showcase of projects and innovations created by ICAH members and was open to students, staff and the general public.

Demo DayThere were a range of innovations on show including Growframe – the collapsible hydroponic farm - and Gyro Gear.

Created by Imperial graduates Faii Ong and Paul de Panisse, Gyro Gear is a glove that utilises the power of gyroscope technology to stabilise hand tremors in Parkinson’s patients.

The glove aims to significantly improve the day to day living conditions of sufferers of the disease making it easier to complete talks such as eating and drinking.

Demo DayJing Ping, a PhD student in the Department of Materials and Strategy Coordinator for ICAH, said: “Some people aren’t sure what a hackspace is or what it can offer them. The Demo Day is a chance to show what the hackspace does, and what its users have created, to the College and the public.

“Whether you’re already developing a new idea or want to learn more about how to prototype your idea, ICAH can provide the support and equipment to help you make it a reality."Demo Day

Established in September 2014, the ICAH gives Imperial students and staff access to a variety of workshops and labs around the College.

Membership is free, and as well as providing access to equipment, ICAH offers a range of opportunities for collaboration with designers and makers from across the Imperial community. Alongside the facilities they host a range of events and workshops throughout the year, including hack-a-thons and the I3 series of talks.