Imperial Lights shines on the Centre for Languages, Culture and Communication

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Imperial Lights

Imperial Lights

The week long video projection is being held to promote the work of the College's Centre for Languages, Culture and Communication (CLCC)

The Imperial Lights projection on the front of the Central Library is displaying a creative graphic video which explores the range of opportunities and activities that take place within the CLCC as well as the Graduate School, Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Centre, Learning and Development Centre and the Educational Development Unit. 

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The 23-minute long animation is projected forty metres and 3000 pixels wide across the library’s façade.

The home of humanities at Imperial, the CLCC includes the Science Communication Unit and the Imperial Horizons programme as well as night classes and language courses open to staff, students and members of the public.

The CLCC aims to provide breadth to the study of science, engineering and medicine at the College, engaging students in a range of humanities subjects.

The CLCC offers over 80 different courses through the Horizons programme in topics as diverse as music technology and crime and justice as well as a range of language courses.

Imperial Lights

Dr Roberto Trotta, Director of the Centre for Languages, Culture and Communication, said: “The idea was to make more visible the great work that goes on in the centre and do it in a creative way for the whole of the Imperial community to see.

“In choosing a light projection we wanted to add some excitement to the building’s façade to better represent the creative things that happen inside it.”

Imperial Lights is one of a number of new or expanded initiatives from the CLCC this year including new evening classes, a project pairing up Imperial and LSE students to look at global challenges and their new research seminar series that launches this week.

Imperial Lights runs until Friday from 17:00 to 22:00 on the front of the Central Library visible from the Queen’s Lawn.


Thomas Angus [Photographer]

Thomas Angus [Photographer]
Communications Division

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Jon Narcross

Jon Narcross
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Martin Sayers

Martin Sayers
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