Departmental Annual Meeting


Overview of staff event

New style Departmental meeting held on the 2nd of November 2016 gives staff the opportunity to air their views on the culture of the Department.

A very successful staff meeting was held in the Queen’s Tower Rooms with approximately 180 people attending.

Prof Nicholson, Head of Department, provided a brief overview of the Department’s recent successes and the opportunities for staff to engage with new initiatives.

People voting on mentimeter

Mentimeter (online teaching tool that allows for real-time polling) questions were used to test opinion. Toby Athersuch led the session and Ana Costa-Pereira prepared the digital word cloud feedback.

Cloud diagram

Table discussionsThis was followed by table discussions which focussed on communication, behaviour and networking – each table reported on a priority concern and Prof Nicholson and Prof Regan, Chair of the People and Culture committee, responded to these, identifying actionable areas and indicating that further interactive work would begin on how to take forward as many of the suggestions as possible.

Paul Strutton provided detailed information on the many sources of support provided at Departmental and College level. Slides were circulated to all staff after the meeting.

Mentimeter is a online teaching tool that allows for real-time polling. For more information please visit the Imperial E-Learning website


Kathryn Johnson

Kathryn Johnson
Department of Surgery & Cancer

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