Imperial News

Imperial sponsors our first Arkwright Scholarship

by Melanie Bottrill

Faculty of Engineering is sponsoring a sixth form Arkwright scholarship

The Faculty of Engineering at Imperial have sponsored their first Arkwright student this academic year.

Parthiv was awarded his scholarship by Eddie Alleyn from Her Majesty’s Government Communications Centre on October 27th at a ceremony in London attended by Professor Peter Cheung.

Parthiv was one of 413 sixth form students across the country to win a Scholarship, and the first ever student to be sponsored by Imperial directly. Scholars are selected by the Arkwright Scholarships Trust and the funders based on their potential as future engineering leaders. Their academic, practical and leadership skills in STEM are assessed via a selection process comprising of multiple stages, concluding with a university-based interview. The Scholarships support students through their sixth form studies and encourage them into top universities or higher apprenticeships.

The Faculty of Engineering look forward to supporting Parthiv over the next two years of his studies!

You can find out more about Arkwright Scholarships and how to apply on the Arkwright Scholarship Trust's website