International project on predicting failure in composites starts at Imperial


Fracture region of high-performance discontinuous composites

Two researchers in the Mechanical Engineering department are part of an international project on predicting failures in high-performance composites.

FiBreMoD (Fibre Break Models for designing novel composite microstructures and applications) is an Innovative Training Network project funded by the European Union, with 6 academic and 6 industrial partners in Belgium, UK, France, Germany, Israel and Netherlands.

Imperial College is hosting two researchers working on FiBreMoD, and Marco Alves has just started his PhD in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, supervised by Dr Soraia Pimenta. They will be modelling and developing discontinuous fibre-reinforced composites with improved performance.

FiBreMoD’s ultimate goal is to improve our ability to predict failure in structures made with high-performance composites, which are currently overdesigned due to a lack of reliable design methods. In addition, FiBreMoD will train 13 researchers to become multi-talented, interdisciplinary experts in understanding and predicting the failure of fibre-reinforced composites.


Nadia Barbu

Nadia Barbu
Department of Mechanical Engineering