Imperial News

Campaign seeks to retain access to EU research programmes post-Brexit

by Andrew Czyzewski

An Imperial academic is urging members of the scientific community to come together to ask the government to retain access to EU research funding.

Professor Stephen Curry is a member of Science is Vital, a grassroots campaigning organisation formed in 2010 by a group of concerned scientists and supporters to combat threats to the public R&D budget.

"It is important that we maintain close and productive research links with the EU"

– Professor Stephen Curry

Science is Vital is urging people to write to their local MP to explain why is it so important to maintain access to EU research programmes, and to come to a lobby on Tuesday 31 January from 14:00–16:00 at the Houses of Parliament.

Professor Stephen Curry

Professor Stephen Curry

In a comment piece in the Guardian, Professor Curry said: "Closing ourselves off from the uniquely sophisticated ecosystem of multilateral collaboration and scientific exchange that has been built over decades by the EU – with Britain at the forefront of that process – will exact a high price.

“Whatever happens in the coming months and years, it is important that we maintain close and productive research links with the EU. Science is Vital is campaigning to ensure that people can make their voices heard and help shape that future. Write to your MP and share your experience of UK science and your hopes for its future. Stand up robustly for science by being informed, but also respectful of perspectives that have led people to vote leave. Better yet, invite your MP to the lobby of parliament in two weeks’ time – on Tuesday 31st January – and tell them in person. But prepare for that meeting to be a two-way conversation.”

Imperial in Europe

Imperial researchers are continuing to apply for new EU-backed research projects through Horizon 2020 and other programmes. For example, Imperial and the University of Cyprus recently embarked on new multi-million euro collaboration into critical infrastructure, which will be supported by the European Union support and will be unaffected by the Brexit vote

The UK government has committed to underwriting UK university participation in any EU research grants awarded while Britain remains a member of the EU, even if the projects continue beyond that time. 

More information about the Science is Vital EU campaign.