Imperial News

Global Health Research Seed Grants 2017

by Nikita Rathod

health research

The Wellcome Trust-Imperial College Centre for Global Health Research announces the Global Health Research Seed Grant scheme.

The scheme is intended to catalyse two types of new scientific research partnerships in global health:

1)     New interdisciplinary research across multiple Imperial College Faculties, Schools and Institutes.  

2)     New partnerships between Imperial researchers and academic institutions in low and middle income countries.

There is an expectation that the partners have not had a history of prior collaboration and that the partnership will lead to new funding proposals, typically fellowships or research grants. We will also consider new research directions that are demonstrably distinct from prior collaborations among existing partners.

At least one of the partners must be staff of Imperial College London, and Imperial must be their primary institution. The Centre is particularly interested in forging partnerships that can position the partners to apply to new funding from emerging multi and interdisciplinary global health research schemes such as Global Challenges Research Fund (GCRF) and Newton Fund. We especially welcome applications from postdoctoral researchers, early stage research fellows, and lecturers whose career stage does not typically include a major programme grant. 

To apply, please submit the completed application form and CVs to

  • Description of the new partnership and research collaboration (max. 250 words summary).
  • If there is a history of prior joint work/collaboration between applicants, please specify why seed funding is needed and how this new research is distinct from previous work (max. 50 words).
  • Grant opportunities to which the partners will apply and intended timing of application.
  • High-level budget (we expect most funding to be <£10K. If a larger amount is requested, please state reasons for why the additional amount is needed as seed funding).
  • Cost and funding justification.
  • One A4 page CV of partner applicants.
  • Eligible applicants may be part of up to 2 research partnerships/collaborations.
  • Unsuccessful applications from the 1st round, please contact before reapplying. 

Each application will be reviewed for eligibility and for potential to lead to subsequent funding on a quarterly basis. The next deadline is 30th June 2017. Applicants will be notified as soon as possible after review.

Click HERE to apply now