Imperial News

Mechanical Engineering academics explain their exciting research to students

by Nadia Barbu

The Mechanical Engineering department regularly organises events that try to inspire students beyond their regular studies.

Last week, students had the opportunity to find out more about the department’s activity, with three academics presenting their most exciting and innovative research work.

Before a full audience, Dr Maria Charalambides described her research on the microstructure of complex solids such as gels and cellular materials under deformation and fracture.

Later in the evening, Dr Salvador Navarro-Martinez explained how scientists try to understand sprays through modelling, an area of research which benefits a wide variety of real-life applications, from fuel efficiency to painting a car.

Dr Salvador Navarro-Martinez

Dr Salvador Navarro-Martinez

The session concluded with a presentation from Dr Ferdinando Rodriguez y Baena on how wood-boring wasps inspired his work on a new drug delivery system for brain cancer treatment.

The department also organises inspirational lectures given by industry representatives. Earlier this academic year, Michael Parkes and Masaki Kihara of Shell visited Imperial Mechanical Engineering to talk about collaborations with academia and planning for a future of shifting landscapes in the energy industry.

Inspirational talks, debates and trips will continue to happen in the department, giving Mechanical Engineering students a look at the many future possibilities that await them.