Mechanical Engineering students speak out


Aisha Tayoub

Last week, Mechanical Engineering students shared their most engaging and inspiring stories in an event hosted by MechSoc.

“Torque: Speak out- Inspire” brought to the stage eight speakers who tackled a variety of topics, ranging from science to art, and from life as a Mechanical Engineering student to experiences and aspirations beyond their studies.

The evening’s only first year speaker, Rishi Kumra, talked about pushing past his own limits and challenging his fears on his path to Imperial. On the other hand, as Sandipan Chowdhury showed in his presentation, even when fears turn to reality, success can eventually return. Sandipan bounced back after failing his first year as a Mechanical Engineering student, and he encouraged others to work hard and not give up in the face of difficulties.

Sandipan Chowdhury

Engineering and art go well together, as Mechanical Engineering students can prove. Meghana Shukla took the audience on a journey through the memories and life experiences that inspired her painting work. Literature was also on the menu, with Rikeen Jobanputra's poem "The Youth" celebrating young people.

Some of the talks focused on work experiences and their transformative influence. Aisha Tayoub shared the story of her time supporting children with disabilities, while Ana Miarnau explained how a placement at CERN in Geneva changed her perspective on engineering.

Ana Miarnau

Finally, as befits a room full of budding engineers, other presentations looked at the world-changing potential of technology. Owen Leech explored the future of cars, and Eu Gene Yap looked at the possibilities of a solar-powered world.

More photos of the event can be found on Flickr.


Nadia Barbu

Nadia Barbu
Department of Mechanical Engineering