Student-built low-carbon vehicles on display at Racing Green Showcase


Formula Student vehicle

On Tuesday, Imperial Racing Green teams presented the cutting-edge vehicles being built for the Formula Student and Shell Eco-marathon races.

Dr Greg Offer from the Mechanical Engineering department, academic lead for the Formula Student entry, opened the event with a brief history of Imperial Racing Green, the different incarnations of the project, and the vehicles it produced throughout the years.

The evening continued with talks by the team principals, both Mechanical Engineering students. Hugo Stock (Formula Student team) and Oisin Shaw (Shell Eco-Marathon team) explained the challenges the crews encountered in the process of building the vehicles, and how these challenges differ according to the different goals of the two races.

Hugo Stock, Oisin Shaw, Greg Offer

Hugo Stock, Oisin Shaw, Greg Offer

The session ended with the team principals answering audience questions alongside Dr Greg Offer and Senior Teaching Fellow Jeff Barrie. After the talks, guests were able to enjoy refreshments and admire the vehicles exhibited in the main foyer of the campus.

Both Imperial Racing Green teams include primarily Mechanical Engineering students, alongside students from Aeronautics and other Engineering departments at Imperial. You can find more photos of the Racing Green showcase event on our Flickr account, and don’t forget to keep an eye on the Racing Green website to be up to date with the latest developments in the teams.

Racing Green vehicles

The Formula Student competition asks student teams to produce a prototype for a single-seat race car for autocross or sprint racing, and to present it to a hypothetical manufacturing firm; the final event for 2017 will take place on 13-16 July. The Shell Eco-marathon challenges student teams around the world to design, build, test and drive ultra-energy-efficient vehicles. This year’s Europe race will take place in London, UK from May 25-28.


Nadia Barbu

Nadia Barbu
Department of Mechanical Engineering