Naima Ali secures prestigious RCUK Policy Internship



PhD student Naima Ali has been awarded a highly competitive internship with the Government Office for Science (GoS).

Naima Ali

Naima Ali

The scheme provides an opportunity for RCUK-funded PhD students to work for three months in one of a selected group of highly impactful organisations relevant to UK policy.

The GoS works to ensure that government policies and decisions are informed by the best scientific evidence and strategic long-term thinking. The placement offers the opportunity to work for the Government Chief Scientific Adviser, whose role is to advise the Prime Minister and Cabinet.

Upon being offered the internship, Naima said: “I am honoured to have been awarded this internship. It will help me understand how scientific research influences government policies and how far scientific research is used to adjust current and future policy.”

Based in the Department of Chemical Engineering, Naima currently works in the Surface Particles Engineering Laboratory under Dr Daryl Williams. Her research is funded by EPSRC and Procter and Gamble. Prior to commencing her PhD, Naima worked as a Continuous Improvement Engineer at Novelis Aluminium.


Ms Genevieve Timmins

Ms Genevieve Timmins
Academic Services

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