Imperial News

We celebrate our undergraduate scholarship winners

by Kay Hancox

Seven of the Department's students have won prestigious scholarships to support them during their studies prepare them for their future careers

Marek Hilton (Second year Electrical and Electronic Engineering) and Yann Grave (Second year Electrical and Information Engineering) both won UK Electronics Skills Foundation (UKESF) Scholarships. The UKESF scholarships allow high achieving electrical and electronic engineering students at partner universities to connect with a leading employer in the electronics section.  As well as a bursary, the students will have paid work placements at their sponsoring company and attend a conference for UKESF scholars from across the UK.  UKESF scholars are encouraged to undertake Outreach work to encourage an enthusiasm for electronics in young people, and the Department looks forward to assisting Marek and Yann with this.  Marek’s scholarship is with Cambridge Consultants, and Yann’s is with ARM.

The Power Academy scholarships provide similar financial support, company placements and mentorship for students looking to work in the power section.  Scholarships have been awarded to Second years Mohika Gupta and Jerome Hallett and third year Deji Akitunde. Mohika and Deji both have their scholarships with Network Rail, and Jerome is with Rolls Royce.

The Department has been a member of both the Power Academy and the UKESF since their foundation.  The scholarships schemes have provided valuable opportunities for our students over the years and launched a number on their chosen career path.  We are proud to continue our collaboration with both of these schemes.

Mayank and Jonathan Mayank Surana, (Electronic and Information Engineering,) and Jonathan Wong, (Electrical and Electronic Engineering) have been awarded IET’s Diamond Jubilee Scholarships for students entering an electrical and electronic engineering degree in Autumn 2016. The scholarships will provide Mayank and Jonathan with at least £1,000 per academic year. They will also benefit as the others will from mentoring and work experience placements through the IET’s extensive networks. 

Congratulations to all students, we look forward to watching their success in the years to come.