Imperial News

DoC PhD students participate in the annual Google Poster & Demo Competition

by Joseph Worsfold

This year's PhD Google Poster & Demo Competition was a great success, and was attended by both PhD students and those interested in their research.

On Wednesday 15th March 2017 the Department of Computing hosted the annual Google Poster & Demo Competition. The competition was open to all Department of Computing PhD students, who were encouraged to submit a poster demonstrating their research.

PhD poster

Ho Ng with one of the judges

The competition itself was preceded by a talk given by a Google speaker on “Applied Research at Google”. There were also 4-5 Google engineers attending the event who helped judge the entries for the completion. As in previous years, there were three prizes on offer.

Numerous PhD students attended to showcase their research and they all did an impeccable job. For a list of the winners, runners up and their supervisors please see below:

Best Poster by a 1st year PhD student

Best Poster by a 2nd year PhD student

Best Poster by a 3rd and 4th year PhD student

PhD poster

Krysia Broda and Eva Graversen