Joint input into the government's industrial strategy consultation


Building Our Industrial Strategy

Cover of the 'Building Our Industrial Strategy' Green Paper (January 2017)

Energy Futures Lab and the Grantham Institute have provided input to the government's industrial strategy consultation.

The response to the government's industrial strategy consultation has been published in a report published here today.

On January 23rd 2017, the government published a green paper outlining a possible future industrial strategy to address the long-term challenges of the UK economy.The strategy also underpins the UK's transition to a low carbon economy.

The Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy (BEIS) called for extensive feedback and advice from every sector of industry and businesses in the UK over a three month period.

the strategy underpins the UK’s transition towards a cleaner, low carbon economy. - See more at:
the strategy underpins the UK’s transition towards a cleaner, low carbon economy. - See more at:
the strategy underpins the UK’s transition towards a cleaner, low carbon economy. - See more at:
the strategy underpins the UK’s transition towards a cleaner, low carbon economy. - See more at:

The joint submission from Energy Futures Lab and Grantham Institute – Climate Change and the Environment focuses on energy system innovation and a least cost route to meeting the UK's low carbon energy goals. 

Dr Rob Gross, Policy Director at Energy Futures Lab said:

Response to the Green Paper from the UK Energy Research Centre - See more at:

"Our submission focuses on the importance of policy consistency and continuity irrespective of changes of government or Brexit. Energy investment is long lived and innovation takes time. It also emphasises that innovation only succeeds where there is a clear route to market. This also requires clear and consistent long term policy."

Dr Gross, also co-authored the UK Energy Research Council (UKERC) submission. Their feedback was published on their website yesterday.


Zara Qadir

Zara Qadir
Department of Earth Science & Engineering

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