Representing the Department of Chemical Engineering at ChemEngDayUK



Students and staff from the Department of Chemical Engineering attended the annual celebration of chemical engineering in Birmingham on 27-28 March.

The annual two-day conference, which brings together people from around the UK to see the latest chemical engineering technology and research, involves plenary talks, technical sessions and interactive poster sessions.

For the first time this year, the Department of Chemical Engineering supported four undergraduate students to attend the conference: the lucky ones were Kathryn Jaitly, Katie Mawdsley, Anastasia A. Teck and Xie Mingrou. See the video about their experiences:

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Elsewhere at the conference:

  • Professor Omar Matar gave a keynote talk on the conference.
  • Dr Qilei Song gave a talk on functional microporous membranes.
  • Mr Angus Crake and Dr Kostas Christoforidis won a poster prize for their poster summarising their recently published paper. Read the paper here.
  • PhD student Erin Johnson won the ‘best research highlight talk’ prize on the theme of energy generation, storage and utilization.

See the Institution of Chemical Engineers (IChemE) storify of tweets about the event:


Ms Genevieve Timmins

Ms Genevieve Timmins
Academic Services

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