Imperial News

Apply now for a Project Boost Grant or an Enterprise Boost Grant

by Till Hackler

ICAH is pleased to announce a new round of Project Boost Grants, and a brand new Enterprise Boost Grant. Deadline 12 May 2017. Apply now!

The Advanced Hackspace and the Enterprise Lab are excited to bring you their joint Enterprise Boost Grant, in addition to continuing the Project Boost Grant.

Following on from the successes we’ve seen with the bi-annual Project Boost Grants offered by the Advanced Hackspace, this spring/summer we’re teaming up to provide an extended offer:

The Project Boost grant will continue as before and provide very-early stage ideas with the necessary uplift to get off the ground. This could be anything from a very-early stage commercial prototype to a particularly interesting personal project.

The Enterprise Boost Grant, in turn, will be aimed at more advanced ventures and provide tailored business coaching, hosted at the Enterprise Lab, on top of money for prototyping at the Advanced Hackspace.

Both grants, once awarded, come with zero IP or equity strings attached. Go and do something great, we won’t come after you for it. See below for what we do require.

The deadline for applications is midnight (23:59) on 12 May 2017. We will send out invitations to attend a panel interview to shortlisted applicants on 15 May 2017.

Interviews for both grants will be held on 18 and 19 May 2017, and successful applicants will be notified on 22 May 2017.

Click here for more information and to apply: