Network of Excellence in Malaria


Blood films for Malaria parasite: show malaria pigment

Blood films for Malaria parasite: show malaria pigment

Early news and events organised by Imperial's new Network of Excellence in Malaria

First Malaria Retreat – Chicheley Hall 13/14th October 2016 

The first meeting of the ICE Malaria Network was run in October 2016, formally establishing the network, with generous funding from the Faculties of Natural Sciences and Medicine. Bringing together ±20 PIs from across the Faculties at Imperial, the two day event set up the foundations for a collaborative network at Imperial College.

Retreat participants

Retreat participants


Retreat participants

Retreat participants


Science Museum Lates – Contagion – Malaria Zone – 26th October 2016

Several groups at Imperial College took part in the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation sponsored Science Museum Lates Contagion Exhibition – setting up a malaria zone to educate the public about malaria parasite and mosquito vector biology and strategies to bring about global eradication of malaria disease.

Science Museum Lates – Contagion – Malaria Zone

Science Museum Lates – Contagion – Malaria Zone

All Party Group on Malaria & Neglected Tropical Diseases – Launch of World Malaria Report – December 13th 2016

Several Imperial Researchers were present for the Global Launch of the WHO World Malaria Report 2016 at the Royal Institute for Chartered Surveyors.


Presentation to the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Malaria & Neglected Tropical Diseases

On 10th January 2017, Dr Peter Winskill, Research Associate in the School of Public Health, gave a presentation to the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Malaria & Neglected Tropical Diseases. Peter expounded a global perspective on allocation of resources for malaria control, and discussed challenges in conflict affected and fragile states. He also explained the contribution that researchers from Imperial College are making to malaria control and its evaluation.

Picture Credit:  Richard Oxborough

Presentation to the All Party Parliamentary Group on Malaria and Neglected Tropical Diseases


Claudia Cannon

Claudia Cannon
The Grantham Institute for Climate Change

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