Imperial News

A return 'home' for EEE alumni

by Kay Hancox

On Saturday afternoon approximately 25 alumni along with family members returned to the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering.

The alumni spanned almost 70 years of the Department’s history with the oldest having graduated in 1948; and the youngest in 2016.  Alumni were reminded of how the Department used to be by a video shot in the 1970s.  Professor Eric Yeatman, Head of Department, gave a short talk about the Department today.


Listening to Professor Yeatman's talk

After mingling for a while and viewing some second year projects everyone went on a tour of the Department led by Ms Kay Hancox, Outreach and Recruitment Manager, and three of our current second year students: Rajan, Mariam and Jacob. 

Many of the group had not seen our main lecture theatre since it was refurbished 20 years ago but did recall the old theatre with its mahogany wood and could clearly remember where their favourite seat had been. A brief visit to the Level 5 project room showed current final year projects and the Imperial College Robotics Society work area. 

The tour concluded with a visit to the electrical laboratory.  Everyone remembered this, and many lamented that we no longer hand the large machines and high voltage equipment.

The reunion was part of the Imperial College Alumni weekend and Festival