Imperial News

Visitors explored the fun side of Mechanical Engineering at Imperial Festival

by Nadia Barbu

Adults and children alike enjoyed visiting the Mechanical Engineering areas at Imperial Festival last weekend.

The Biomechatronics lab booth was a great success with the youngest visitors: kids were able to try out controlling a video game with their eyes, or a virtual dinosaur through a bracelet.

Children playing video games at the Biomechatronics lab display

Outside the Discover zone tent, the Sirocco fire whirl demonstration set up by Imperial Hazelab attracted a constant audience.

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At the Tribology group’s display, Dr Amir Kadiric guided visitors through experiments inspired by Leonardo Da Vinci himself.

Amir Kadiric at the Imperial Festival

Meanwhile, in the Composites area, the strength of various materials was put to the test in a fun, interactive way.

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In the Robots zone, the Mechatronics in Medicine lab and the EDEN2020 project offered visitors a glimpse at augmented reality and demonstrations of human-robot interactions.

Medical robotics at Imperial Festival

More images of the Mechanical Engineering displays at the 2017 Imperial Festival can be found on our Flickr account.