Celebrating in style at the 2017 Postgraduate Graduation


Guiseppe Calvi

Giuseppe, winner of the Ivor Tupper Prize 2016

We celebrated with our MSc and PHD graduands at the Postgraduate Graduation Ceremonies.

The graduation ceremony at the Royal Albert Hall was followed by a celebratory reception for all our students and their friends and families. Head of Department, Professor Eric Yeatman, and Director of Postraduate Studies, Professor Andrew Holmes,  presented prizes at this reception to the top performing students in each of our MSc courses.

Our 2016 MSC Prizewinners are as follows:

Chang Gao: Outstanding Achievement (Analogue & Digital Integrated Circuit Design MSc)











Adrian Lopez Rodriguez: Outstanding Achievement (Communications and Signal Processing MSc)











Tamás Kern: Outstanding Achievement (Control Systems MSc)











Yitong Li: Outstanding Achievement (Future Power Networks MSc)













Lanruo Wan: The Hertha Ayrton Prize (Control Systems MSc) awarded for the best MSc project with significant original contribution to the topic area

Giuseppe Calvi: (Communications and Signal Processing MSc) The Ivor Tupper Prize awarded for Excellence in Signal Processing, Broadcast And Video Technology 

Each year a prize is also given to the Best Doctoral Thesis during the academic year, known as the Eryl Cadwaladr Davies Prize. For 2016 it was awarded to Giordano Scarciotti from the Control and Power Group for his thesis titled: ‘Approximation, Analysis and Control of Large-Scale Systems - Theory and Applications’.  Giordano is now a Junior Research Fellow with Control and Power, and teaches one of the modules available to our 4th year and MSc Control Students - Discrete-time Systems and Computer Control. He is also a first and third year tutor. 














Congratulations to all of the prizewinners, and all of our graduates. 


Emma Rainbow

Emma Rainbow
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering

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Tel: +44 (0)20 7594 6198
Email: e.rainbow@imperial.ac.uk

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