Imperial News

Data Centric Engineering at The Royal Statistical Society Conference 2017

by Mr Thom Brain

Programme Director Mark Girolami will present the mission of the Data-Centric Engineering programme and share the grand challenges underpinning it.

We are delighted to announce that the Lloyds’ Register Foundation – Alan Turing Institute programme in Data-Centric Engineering will be presented at the Royal Statistical Society Conference 2017.

The conference will be held from 4-7 of September 2017 at the University of Strathclyde in Glasgow, bringing together a wide community of statisticians and data scientists working on a range of fields. On 5 September, Programme Director Mark Girolami will present the mission of the Data-Centric Engineering programme and share the grand challenges underpinning it.

Hetan Shah, CEO of the Royal Statistical Society welcomed the participation of the Data Centric-Engineering programme in this year’s conference, saying:

“The RSS is delighted to have this session on Data-Centric Engineering at our annual conference in Glasgow. It highlights the growing importance of statistics and data analysis in industry and in defining and designing a safer society.”

Registration for the conference is now open – please note that the early booking rates run until 5 June.

Researchers can still make a submission for talks – the deadline is 31 March for the contributed sessions.