Imperial News

Stuart Higgins wins Best Interview Podcast at British Podcast Awards 2017

by Dr Steph Pendlebury

Congratulations to CPE postdoc Dr Stuart Higgins, whose show "Scientists not the Science" won the Best Interview Podcast Award.

"Scientists not the Science"

The podcast features interviews of people connected to science about what it means to be a scientist. It features interviews with a few CPE members past and present: Dr Roland Piper (DTC alumnus, supervised by Ned Ekins-Daukes), Dr Florian Steiner (alumnus, supervised by Jenny Nelson), and Dr Matt Fuchter (Chemistry Department).

Dr Stuart Higgins

Stuart Higgins sitting down, smilingStuart is a Research Associate, in Prof Molly Steven's group in the Materials Department. His research focuses on the microfabrication of innovative materials for biomedical applications.  Previously he worked in the Optoelectronics Group at the University of Cambridge on organic diodes. 

He completed his PhD in plastic electronics at Imperial College London, built a particle decelerator at the Max Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics in Germany, and is passionate about science outreach.
