Jane and Liz raise over £60k for SCI!


Jane and Liz holding medals

SCI Programme Managers Jane and Liz successfully complete the London Marathon and raise £60,765, enough to provide over 180,000 treatments.

We have followed their journey from their initial training run together back in December, right the way through to completing the London Marathon.

There was blood, sweat and sometimes a few tears along the way, but with continued support from friends, family, colleagues and the 182 generous supporters who made donations, they made it through successfully.

Jane says: “The training, for me was the hardest part of the race, but knowing we had so much support from SCI, friends, family and everyone who donated such incredible amounts and the number of people who would benefit from what Liz and I were doing kept me going. Our marathon challenge was a true journey, it took me to places I never thought I’d go, pushed me harder both mentally and physically than I’ve ever been pushed and I have been in awe of the generosity and support of friends, family and strangers. There are always beautiful stories from people who run the London Marathon and it was a privilege to run alongside some truly inspiring people (even one carrying a washing machine on his back). Now more than ever I will hear these stories and truly understand the journey they have been on to make it across the finish line.”  

Liz says: “It was really an amazing experience, sitting here now, with all the pain of recovery gone, all I can think about was being so overwhelmed by everyone cheering and supporting us during the race.  It really was motivational, and so encouraging. Throughout the whole training time and during the race, I kept thinking about who I was running for, all the kids we treat, all the donors who supported us, my colleagues who were constantly encouraging, and my family who put up with my inability to think or talk about anything but running by the end. I really had a sense of running for something larger than myself. Being out there amongst almost 40,000 other runners who’d been on a similar journey was also an incredible shared experience. Looking forward to the next race….in a few years!”

If you have been inspired by Jane and Liz’s fundraising efforts, please email schisto@imperial.ac.uk for your free fundraising pack. 


Demran Ali

Demran Ali
School of Public Health

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