Success for Imperial at 12th Japanese Speech Contest for University Students


Team Imperial with the Japanese Foundation Director General

One of the most successful contests yet for the Imperial students who participated in the annual national Japanese Speech Contest.

The Final Day of the 12th Japanese Speech Contest for University Students took place at King’s College London on Saturday 4th March, and showcased six individual speeches, five individual presentations and four group presentations by UK university students, selected from 88 applications from 18 universities across the UK.

Polena's Presentation

Polena giving her presentation on The Beauty of Bulgaria

In the Individual Presentation Category, Imperial was proudly represented by two of the five finalists, Polena Lilyanova (3rd Year Computing, Horizons Japanese Level 5) and Wei Lun Toh (3rd Year Chemistry, Horizons Japanese Level 5).

Wei Lun won first prize for his very engaging and informative speech on The History and Origins of English. Second place went to Polena, who gave a very lively presentation on The Beauty of Bulgaria, while dressed in Bulgarian national costume. Polena was also a finalist and a runner-up in the contest two years ago.

Wei Lun with Certificate

Wei Lun receives his 1st prize certificate

In the Group Presentation category, one of the best four final groups was Imperial's team "Space Oddity". The group consisted of two Imperial Horizons Japanese Level 2 students, Hans Kukreja (2nd year Medicine) & Ignaty Romanov-Chernigovsky (2nd year Mathematics and Computer Science). They were awarded a prize for their presentation about "Tim Peake's Expedition to Space".

Hans and Ignaty with certificates

Hans and Ignaty receive their certificates

The students worked exceptionally hard for the competition and we are very proud of their amazing performance and achievements.


Yuki Tokumaru

Yuki Tokumaru
Centre for Languages, Culture and Communication