Imperial News

Ideas for sustainability, healthcare and racing cars at the 2017 DMT exhibition

by Nadia Barbu

Yesterday, third year Mechanical Engineering students exhibited their Design, Make and Test projects in the College Main Entrance.

The exhibition proved popular, with many visitors stopping by the booths to find out more about the ideas behind the prototypes on display.

One of the exhibits receiving a lot of attention was a driving simulator which monitors the discomfort level of the participants. Such a system could be present, in the future, in vehicles capable to identify and address the discomfort of passengers.

Driving simulator

Another interactive display invited visitors to test their forces in a rowing telemetry system. The members of the team, keen rowers themselves, saw the need for a performance measurement tool in their favourite sport.

Rowing telemetry

One team tackled the challenge of producing prosthetic arms for below-elbow amputations at an affordable cost. Currently, the high level of customisation required by prosthetic devices usually comes with a large price tag.

affordable prosthetics

Several other teams proposed healthcare innovations, from surgical robots to monitoring devices.  Whether it was about improving the chassis, the brakes or the steering, projects for the Imperial Racing Green vehicles were also heavily featured at the exhibition.  


For the Design, Make and Test project, students work in groups of 4-5, on design briefs proposed by staff members. The project represents 33% of their third year assessment.

More photos of the exhibition can be found on our Flickr account.