Imperial News

Imperial will deliver "innovative, agile and world-leading" teaching

by Deborah Evanson

The Provost underlines Imperial's commitment to excellence in education, as the College receives a Gold Award in the Teaching Excellence Framework.

The Gold Award – the highest available under the framework - means that Imperial is judged to deliver consistently outstanding teaching, and outcomes for its students, and is of the highest quality found in the UK.

Professor Pietro Spanu and student

TEF findings point to Imperial's exceptionally stimulating academic environment

In the statement of findings, the Teaching Excellence Framework (TEF) panel pointed to Imperial’s exceptionally stimulating and stretching academic, vocational and professional education, as well as its embedded culture of student engagement and philosophy of students as partners. They also noted that Imperial is prioritising improving student satisfaction with assessment and feedback.

Seizing opportunities

The news follows the launch of Imperial’s Learning and Teaching Strategy last week, in which the College commits significant new investment to support innovative, technology-enhanced education initiatives across the College.

Excellence in education is at the very heart of our mission

– Professor James Stirling


Imperial’s Provost, Professor James Stirling, said: “The quality of an Imperial education is recognised worldwide. Each year, outstanding students join us to learn from and work alongside researchers at the cutting edge of their disciplines.

"Excellence in education is at the very heart of our mission. Our teaching must be as innovative, agile, and world-leading as our research. That’s why our new Learning and Teaching Strategy, launched last week, introduces significant new investment in education. This will support new, innovative, evidence-based teaching and learning methods across the College, drawing on the great work that is already taking place.”

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Nas Andriopoulos, Imperial College Union President, said: “Imperial College Union have worked tirelessly with the College to help establish a world-leading teaching experience for our members. Whilst we welcome the Gold Award, we know improvements can still be made and we will continue working in partnership to ensure an equitable experience for students in every single department. 

"The future of education at Imperial is exciting, with the new Learning & Teaching Strategy placing students firmly at its centre. Through the new strategy we are confident that Imperial College and Imperial College Union can lead the sector in creating an educational experience that is fit for the 21st Century.“

About the TEF

The Teaching Excellence Framework is a new scheme, developed by the Department for Education in England, for recognising excellent teaching.

Participating higher education providers receive a gold, silver or bronze award reflecting the excellence of their teaching, learning environment and student outcomes.The awards cover undergraduate teaching.

More information about the TEF.