Alumni association announces student prize winners


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The Old Centralians' Trust has announced the winners of this year's student activity awards.

Every year the Trust, which operates as the charitable arm of the City & Guilds College Association, gives out two student activity awards to undergraduates in each of the ten departments in the Faculty of Engineering.

Each of these twenty awards is worth £750 to a returning student who plays an active role in society, sport or union affairs. It is intended that the Award can be used to help ease the costs of being involved in such activities during the academic year.

The Student Activity Awards are not based on academic merit, but offer a reward for students' all-round involvement in University life.

Following a high number of excellent applications for this year’s awards, the winners for 2017-18 are published below:

Department of Aeronautics

  • Mr Samuel Garcin (4th Year MEng, Aeronautics in 2017-18)
  • Miss Rachel Hoi Ching Chiu (3rd Year MEng, Aeronautics in 2017-18)

Department of Bioengineering

  • Miss Lorna Barron (4th Year MEng, Biomedical Engineering in 2017-18) (Brian Locke Award)
  • Miss Jessica Prior (4th Year MEng, Biomedical Engineering in 2017-18)

Department of Chemical Engineering

  • Mr Philip Kurukgy (4th Year MEng, Chemical Engineering in 2017-18)
  • Mr Yew Sian Chin (4th Year MEng, Chemical Engineering in 2017-18)

Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering

  • Miss Christina Trigle (4th Year MEng, Civil Engineering in 2017-18) (John Sowden Award)
  • Mr Arthur Mun (3rd Year MEng, Civil Engineering in 2017-18)

Department of Computing

  • Mr Martin Zlocha (3rd Year MEng, Computing in 2017-18)
  • Mr Thomas Bower (3rd Year MEng, Computing in 2017-18)

Department of Design Engineering

  • Miss Laerke Rasmussen (2nd Year, MEng Design Engineering in 2017-18)
  • Mr Benjamin Pheifer (3rd Year MEng Design Engineering in 2017-18)

Department of Earth Science & Engineering

  • Miss Beth Holman (4th Year MSci Geology in 2017-18)
  • Mr Stephen Pugh (4th Year MSci Geophysics in 2017-18)

Department of Electrical & Electronic Engineering

Both Peter Lindsay Awards

  • Miss Jin Yun Soo (4th Year MEng Electronic and Information Engineering in 2017-18
  • Mr Koral Hassan (3rd Year MEng Electrical & Electronic Engineering in 2017-18)

Department of Materials

  • Mr Chimdi Igwe (3rd Year MEng Materials Science and Engineering in 2017-18)
  • Mr Daniel Voignac (3rd Year MEng Materials with Nuclear Engineering in 2017-18)

Department of Mechanical Engineering

  • Mr Alejandro Luy (4th Year MEng Mechanical Engineering in 2017-18) (Theo Marx Award)
  • Miss Merissa Lim-Sarrias (4th Year MEng Mechanical Engineering in 2017-18)


Sean Conner

Sean Conner
Faculty of Natural Sciences

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