Imperial News

June 2017 ESE Newsletter

by Amelia Davies

Earth Science and Engineering's Chris Jackson goes wild in the Congo filming "Jungle Volcano" with the BBC


Conferences, Lectures and Seminars
Impact and Media
New Staff and Departures


Agudo, O. C., da Silva, N. V., Warner, M. and J. Morgan, 2017. Addressing viscous effects in acoustic full-waveform inversion. 79th EAGE Conference, doi:10.3997/2214-4609.201700505.

Bertei, A., Ruiz-Trejo, E., Kareh, K., Yufit, V., Wang, X., Tariq, F. and Brandon, N. P. (2017), The fractal nature of the three-phase boundary: A heuristic approach to the degradation of nanostructured solid oxide fuel cell anodes, Nano Energy 38 (2017) 526-536. DOI: 10.1016/j.nanoen.2017.06.028

Edgar, L. A., Gupta, S., Rubin, D. M., Lewis, K. W., Kocurek, G. A., Anderson, R. B., Bell, J. F., Dromart, G., Edgett, K. S., Grotzinger, J. P., Hardgrove, C., Kah, L. C., Leveille, R., Malin, M. C., Mangold, N., Milliken, R. E., Minitti, M., Palucis, M., Rice, M., Rowland, S. K., Schieber, J., Stack, K. M., Sumner, D. Y., Wiens, R. C., Williams, R. M. E. and Williams, A. J. (2017), Shaler: in situ analysis of a fluvial sedimentary deposit on Mars. Sedimentology. doi:10.1111/sed.12370 

Freitag, UA, Sanderson, DJ, Lonergan, L and Bevan TG. 2017. Comparison of upwards splaying and upwards merging in segmented normal growth faults. J Structural Geology DOI: 10.1016/j.jsg.2017.05.005 

Hofman, J., Maher, B. A., Muxworthy, A. R., Wuyts, K., Castanheiro, A., and  Samson, R. (2017). Biomagnetic Monitoring of Atmospheric Pollution: A Review of Magnetic Signatures from Biological Sensors. Environmental Science and Technology. doi:10.1021/acs.est.7b00832

Jackson, C. A-L., Rotevatn, A, Tvedt, A.B-M, Bell, R. (2017) The role of gravitational collapse in controlling the evolution of crestal faults systems (Espirito Santo Basin, SE Brazil) – Discussion. Journal of Structural Geology, 98, 95-97. DOI: 10.1016/j.jsg.2017.03.004.

MacDonald, J. M., Magee, C. and Goodenough, K. M. (2017). Dykes as physical buffers to metamorphic overprinting: an example from the Archaean–Palaeoproterozoic Lewisian Gneiss Complex of NW Scotland. Scottish Journal of Geology. DOI: 10.1144/sjg2017-004

Lei, Q., Wang, X., Xiang, J., and Latham, J.-P. (2017). Polyaxial stress-dependent permeability of a three-dimensional fractured rock layer. Hydrogeology Journal. DOI:10.1007/s10040-017-1624-y

Wilkinson, J. J., Vowles, K., Muxworthy, A.R. and  Mac Niocaill, C. (2017). Regional remagnetization of Irish Carboniferous carbonates dates Variscan orogenesis, not Zn-Pb mineralization. Geology. doi:10.1130/G39032.1

Yang, L., Gil, AJ., Carreño, AA. and Bonet, J. (2017). Unified one-fluid formulation for incompressible flexible solids and multiphase flows: Application to hydrodynamics using the Immersed Structural Potential Method (ISPM). International journal for numerical methods in fluids. DOI:10.1002/fld.4408

Conferences, Lectures and Seminars

Thomas Le Blevec presents at EAGEAround 30 staff and PhD students, 12Msc students and over 20 undergraduate students attended 79th EAGE Conference in Paris and ESE research was presented across a wide range of topics. 

Thibaut Defoort, Adriana Paluszny, and Robert Zimmerman of the ESE Rock Mechanics Group attended the 51st US Rock Mechanics Symposium in San Francisco. Thibaut gave a presentation entitled “Numerical study of the contact between a chamfered cylindrical PDC cutter and the rock”. Adriana gave a presentation entitled “Evaluating natural fracture growth in shale caprocks during sold CO2 injection at the Heletz pilot site”. Adriana also co-organised a special workshop on “Emerging Advances in Geomechanics”.

Adriana Paluszny attended the Workshop on Modeling and Benchmarking of Fractured Porous Media at the University of Bergen, 8-9 June, and gave a presentation entitled “Modelling the mechanical interaction between fractures and its effect on effective permeability”. 

Ruiz-Trejo, E., Bertei, A., Maserati, A., Boldrin, P. and Brandon, N. P. (2017), Oxygen separation with low silver content scandia-stabilised zirconia composite membranes, 21st International Conference on Solid State Ionics, Padua (Italy) 18-23 June

Bertei, A., Kareh, K., Ruiz-Trejo, E., Tariq, F., Yufit, V. and Brandon, N. P. (2017), Microstructural and electrochemical degradation of infiltrated SOFC anodes, 21st International Conference on Solid State Ionics, Padua (Italy) 18-23 June


Awards Ceremony

Jan Cilliers has been awarded the President’s Medal for Excellence in Student Support. This prestigious accolade is testament to Jan’s dedication to providing help for students in his past and present roles within the department. In addition to this Mike Streule and Emma Passmore were awarded a President's Award for Excellence in Teaching. 


On 27 June, Dr Emma Passmore and Victoria Murphy spoke about geosciences and the opportunities at Imperial to 40 sixth form pupils at Tiffin School, in Kingston, as part of a careers day.

Impact and Media 

Volcano just north of Goma in the Congo

Chris talks Volcanoes in the Congo

Chris Jackson spent three weeks in the Democratic Republic of Congo recording a TV programme for BBC Two. In the programme, provisionally entitled “Jungle Volcano”, Chris joins a group of Congolese, US, and Belgian scientists studying the behaviour and impact of two large and extremely hazardous volcanoes (Nyiragongo and Nyamulagira) lying just north of the city of Goma. The programme is due to air late-2017/early-2018.

Chris Jackson appeared on the vaguely science-focused, webcast-podcast “Undersampled Radio” to discuss his recent trip to the Democratic Republic of Congo (29th June 2017). The webcast can be seen here.

New Staff and Departures

The Department welcomes the following individuals to our staff cohort:

  • Dr Zhidong Gu, Sponsored Researcher working with Dr Lidia Lonergan
  • Miss Rebekah Moore, Research Assistant working with Prof. Mark Rehkamper
  • Mr Ado Farsi, Research Assistant working with Dr JP Latham
  • Mr Alex Seal, Research Assistant working with Dr Dylan Rood
  • Miss Victoria Murphy, Liaison and Communications Manager. Victoria has a geology background, and brings her experience working with scientists and journalists, writing for the public, and delivering training for PhD students and post docs to talk about their work. She will work across the Department and College to develop and implement communication and marketing strategies. 

We also wish the best of luck to Dr Laurent Soucasse, Dr Janice Kenney, Dr Andrew Buchan, Dr Daniel Coles, Dr Alexandros Adam and Miss Helen Stoneham who have all either recently left, or are about to leave the ESE. 


The ESE PhD conference will be held on the 13 July. At this event, organised by the Earth Science and Engineering Graduate Society (Gradsoc), 1st Year PhD students will present posters on their current research while 2nd year students will present short talks. Attendance is compulsory for all PhD students and staff are invited to offer their support by attending for part or all of the day. Lunch and coffee breaks will breaks will be provided in addition to an evening wine reception. A final program will be emailed to all students and staff later in the week.