Imperial News

Supporters visited the I-HUB in June for a first look at the White City Campus

by Camille Hamilton-Villemur

President Alice Gast joined supporters and alumni at the Translation & Innovation Hub (I-HUB) to share Imperial's progress at the White City Campus.

Almost two hundred guests attended a reception on 7 June, taking the opportunity to see presentations and models of the new campus and speak to College leaders.

Guests at the I-HUBThe reception, which was the first large-scale event for alumni and donors to be held at the White City Campus, aimed to share the progress that has been made at the campus and the plans going forward. Imperial College Small Band, a jazz group made up of Imperial students performed throughout the evening.

In her remarks, President Gast outlined Imperial’s ambitions for the White City Campus and how it will play a central role in addressing global issues through innovation and pioneering research.

The President’s speech addressed the progress made so far on the new campus, including ongoing construction of the Molecular Sciences Research Hub and the recent groundbreaking for the Michael Uren Biomedical Engineering Research Hub. As guests gathered on the sixth floor of the I-HUB, President Gast explained how it would provide a collaborative environment where academic research, innovation and enterprise will come together. She spoke of some of the companies based at the I-HUB, including Ooho, an Imperial student-founded start-up, that has created the world’s first ever ‘edible water bottle’ and an enterprise called MAPI that is developing methodologies for patient-centred approach to healthcare.

Tom Pearson, Head of Special Projects (Academic Partnerships)

Tom Pearson, Head of Special Projects (Academic Partnerships)

Tom Pearson, Head of Special Projects (Academic Partnerships), shared news of The Invention Rooms, a new community innovation space that will open later in 2017. The Invention Rooms will focus on ‘making’, allowing people of all ages and backgrounds to turn their creative ideas into real working prototypes using advanced technology. It will be a place where children, young people and members of the local community can work alongside Imperial staff, students, alumni and partners to use their entrepreneurial skills, learn about innovation and connect with science in a hands-on way. The Invention Rooms is a unique project in the UK and will be an important space for inspiring the next generation of inventors and entrepreneurs. 

Our supporters and alumni are a vital part of this journey and it was a great pleasure to welcome them to the new Campus.

– Gemma Wicks

Head of Supporter Engagement

During the event, a special reception for members of the 1851 and 1907 Circles provided an opportunity for President Gast to personally thank leadership donors for their support and the impact that they have had on the College.

Gemma Wicks, Head of Supporter Engagement at Imperial College London, said: "This event was a wonderful opportunity to celebrate the advancements being made at Imperial’s White City Campus. Our supporters and alumni are a vital part of this journey and it was a great pleasure to be able to welcome them to the new Campus, share our plans and answer their questions.”