Imperial News

New Chair for the NCRI Prostate Clinical Studies Group

by Kathryn Johnson

Professor Hashim Ahmed has been appointed as Chair of the National Cancer Research Institute's Prostate Clinical Studies Group.

This group oversees new and existing studies in the National Clinical Research Network portfolio and advises funding bodies for future studies. Professor Hashim Ahmed speaks below about what he hope's to achieve in this role and the connections he has with the National Cancer Research Institute (NCRI).  

“I look forward to building on the success of the NCRI Prostate Clinical Studies Group and the previous Chairs in building a strong portfolio of clinical studies that can impact on men’s lives in as short a period of time as possible. I am especially keen on seeing the novel, ‘destructive’ ideas that challenge the status quo in a robust and rigorous manner." 

"The NCRI prostate portfolio is also patchy on surgical studies and I would like to see a strong and focused effort from all academic urologists to think about the next generation of surgical and interventional studies that might reduce treatment-related harms and maintain cancer control. I would want our strengths in radiotherapy and systemic therapy trials in the UK - for which we are world leading - continue at the same time. We need to think about bringing in new PIs and nurture the next generation of trialists coming through the ranks." 

"One thing close to my heart is to ensure we test new methodologies of trials and for this, we will need to engage with our fantastic trials units and methodology hubs to lead the way. Head to head randomised trials are not the only way to get practice changing data, although randomised comparative trials are essential to move the field forward."