Imperial News

Podcast: Cassini's farewell, the myth of 'fat but fit' and bugs galore

by Hayley Dunning, Gareth Mitchell

In this edition: Saying goodbye to Saturn spacecraft Cassini, exploring whether people can be 'fat but fit' and meeting some bugs at Silwood Park.

The podcast is presented by Gareth Mitchell, a lecturer on Imperial's Science Communication MSc course and the presenter of Click Radio on the BBC World Service, with contributions from our roving reporters.

Download the complete podcast (mp3)


News: fighting superbugs and analysing armour – We delve into research on a new class of antibiotics and the strange tale of solar energy physicists helping conservators investigate a 16th-century metalworking technique.

Cassini’s farewel – After 13 years orbiting Saturn, its rings and its moons, the Cassini spacecraft ends its mission this September. Mission scientist Professor Michele Dougherty looks back on Cassini’s legacy.

The myth of ‘fat but fit’ – People who are overweight but otherwise healthy have been touted in the media as ‘fat but fit’, but is this a myth? New research suggests they may still have poor health down the line.

Bugs galore – Imperial’s Silwood Park campus held its third annual Bugs! Day this summer, and we went along to catch up with all the local critters (and researchers).