Composites PhD candidate wins Tsai Award for best student paper


Sherry presenting her award-winning work

Yizhuo (Sherry) Li, a PhD student at Imperial, won the Tsai Award at the 21st International Conference on Composite Materials.

Sherry, who is a member of the Composites group in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, presented her work on "Understanding and modelling variability in modulus and strength of tow-based discontinous composites". Sherry's PhD project work is part of a larger programme sponsored by the Royal Academy of Engineering and by Lamborghini S.p.A.

The Tsai Award is awarded in every ICCM (International Conference on Composite Materials) to the best student paper presented at the conference. ICCM is the largest conference on composites, and this year's edition, which took place in Xi'an, China (20-25 August), had over 1600 participants from all around the world.

Sherry receiving the award

Seven students were shortlisted to the "Tsai Award Session" based on paper abstracts, and later presented their work in a dedicated session. A panel of four judges selected the winner, based on the full paper submitted, as well as the presentation.

Several researchers from different departments across Imperial College London attended the conference. In addition to Sherry, Dr Soraia Pimenta, Joel Henry and James Finley represented the Composites group in the Department of Mechanical Engineering.

Dr Soraia Pimenta


Nadia Barbu

Nadia Barbu
Department of Mechanical Engineering