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Meet Dr Giordano Scarciotti and Dr Fei Teng, new Lecturers in the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering.

Giordano and Fei






Giordano Scarciotti received his BSc and MSc degrees in Automation Engineering from the University of Rome "Tor Vergata", Italy, in 2010 and 2012, respectively. In 2012 he joined the Control and Power Group where he obtained his PhD in 2016 with the thesis "Approximation, Analysis and Control of Large-Scale Systems - Theory and Applications".

During his PhD, he was a visiting scholar at New York University and University of California Santa Barbara. After his PhD, Giordano became a Junior Research Fellow (now known as Imperial College Research Fellowships). His research focused on blending control theory and power applications, with particular attention to modelling and control of wireless power transfer systems.

Giordano is the author of more than 30 papers published in peer reviewed journals or conference proceedings, and he is the recipient of the IET Control & Automation PhD Award (2016), the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering’s Eryl Cadwaladr Davies Prize (2017) and an ItalyMadeMe award (2017).

His current research interests include the analysis and control of uncertain systems modeled using stochastic equations and set-valued mappings, the problem of model reduction and problems of optimal control.

Fei Teng graduated with a BEng in Electrical Engineering and Automation from Beihang University, China in 2009, and MSc with Distinction in Control Systems from Imperial College London in 2010.

He stayed in the Control and Power group to pursue his PhD in Power Systems. After obtaining his PhD in 2015, Fei became a Research Associate until the beginning of 2017 when he joined MINES ParisTech as an Assistant Professor in Smart Grids.

Fei’s research mainly focuses on the advanced modelling, optimization and analysis of low carbon power system operation and planning. ?He has been previously involved in multiple EU/UK research and industrial projects to understand the challenges on the future low-carbon electricity system and the potential solutions from emerging flexible technologies.

Fei has more than 20 scientific publications in leading power system journals and conferences. He received the best paper award in POWER-GEN Europe in 2013 and Chinese Government Award for Outstanding Self-financed Students Abroad in 2015. He was also sponsored by Newton Funds Researcher Links Travel Grant in 2016.

In addition to our new staff, we would also like to congratulate the following on their promotions:

Dr Wei Dai to Senior Lecturer
Dr Balarko Chaudhuri to Reader
Dr Bruno Clerckx to Reader
Dr Pantelis Georgiou to Reader


Emma Rainbow

Emma Rainbow
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering

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Contact details

Tel: +44 (0)20 7594 6198
Email: e.rainbow@imperial.ac.uk

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