Imperial News

PhD Student featured in Women in Innovation awards and photography exhibition

by Lucy Chivers

PhD student Elena Dieckmann, has been featured by the BBC and The Times, as one of 15 recipients of the Innovate UK Women in Innovation Awards.

Elena is based in the Dyson School of Design Engineering and co-supervised by Professor Chris Cheeseman in the Department. She has been featured by the BBC and The Times, as one of 15 recipients of the Innovate UK Women in Innovation Awards. The recently launched Amelia Troubridge photography exhibition celebrates their work and challenges the perception of what it looks like to be a female innovator in 2017.

Elena is exploring the sustainable possibilities of waste feathers in her PhD project and how these can be turned into innovative materials. She is the co-founder of Aeropowder whose aim is to create useful materials from waste that exists in society.

The Amelia Troubridge exhibition is now open at Getty Images Gallery.