Dr Cristian Cadar (R) accepts his award.

Dr Cristian Cadar won the HVC Award by contributing "the most influential work in the last five years in formal verification, simulation and testing."
The influential work which led to Cristian's receipt of the prestigious HVC Award includes his contributions to dynamic symbolic execution, a program analysis technique with applications in test generation, bug finding, verification, vulnerability detection, exploit generation, equivalence checking, debugging and program repair, among many others.
He has co-authored several influential dynamic symbolic execution systems, including EGT, one of the first two dynamic symbolic execution engines; EXE, for which he was awarded the ACM Computer and Communications Security (CCS) Test of Time Award last year; and KLEE, a popular system used in both academia and industry.
Cristian received the HVC award earlier this month at the HVC 2017 conference in Haifa, Israel, where he also gave an award lecture entitled "Dynamic Symbolic Execution: Perspective and Reflections."
Previous winners include influential researchers in software testing and verification: Armin Biere, Daniel Kroening, Marta Kwiatkowska, Ken McMillan, Alessandro Orso, Corina Pasareanu, Andrey Rybalchenko and Willem Visser.
Dr Cristian Cadar is a Reader in the Department of Computing at Imperial College London, where he leads the Software Reliability Group. His research interests span the areas of software engineering, computer systems and security, with an emphasis on building practical techniques and tools for improving the reliability and security of software systems. More details about his research can be obtained from the webpage of the Software Reliability Group.
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Joseph Worsfold
Department of Computing

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