Podcast: Up in the air, a walk in the park and a hopeful New Year

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In this edition: How the busy city and green parks around us affect our health, and what Imperial scientists are looking forward to in 2018.

The podcast is presented by Gareth Mitchell, a lecturer on Imperial's MSc Science Communication course and the presenter of Click Radio on the BBC World Service, with contributions from our roving reporters in the Research Communications group.

Download the complete podcast (mp3)


News: Cancer link and publication charts – We report on research linking obesity and diabetes to cancer, and find out what Imperial publications have made the most online impact this year.

Air pollution problems – We learn how London’s busy roads are affecting everyone from the unborn to the over-60s. Should air pollution limits be changed?

How environment affects health – We explore the myriad ways the world around us shapes our health, from air and noise pollution to the positive impact of green spaces.

Looking forward to 2018 – We find out what Imperial researchers are hopeful for in 2018, from new progress in the fight against malaria to lab-on-a-chip sensors, flying close to the Sun and incredible insights from the humble fruit fly.


Hayley Dunning

Hayley Dunning
Communications Division

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Contact details

Tel: +44 (0)20 7594 2412
Email: h.dunning@imperial.ac.uk

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Gareth Mitchell

Gareth Mitchell
Centre for Languages, Culture and Communication

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Contact details

Tel: +44 (0)20 7594 8766
Email: g.mitchell@imperial.ac.uk

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Strategy-share-the-wonder, Podcast, Public-health
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