Imperial News

Award success for Dr Wouter Buytaert and Mr Boris Ochoa

by Lucy Chivers

Dr Wouter Buytaert and Mr Boris Ochoa are part of a consortium which has recently won a US$ 15 million award from USAID.

The consortium is led by Forest Trends, Dr Wouter Buytaert, Reader in Hydrology and Water Resources, and Mr Boris Ochoa, Research Postgraduate in the EWRE section.

The award, was given to scale up green infrastructure for water security in Peru. The 5 year programme aims to design and implement mechanisms that make use of natural solutions and ecosystem services to increase water security in Peru's coastal desert and Andean highlands.

As lead academic partners, Dr Buytaert and Mr Ochoa's role will be to make sure that the best science is used to inform design decisions and policy strategies. Their involvement is a recognition for over 2 decades of pioneering research on hydrological processes, climate change impacts, and water resources management in the tropical Andes.

Further information on the award can be found on the Forest Trends blog.